Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Book Review for Thirteen Reasons Why

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay AsherRelease date: October 18,2011
Publisher: Razorbill
Pages: 288

Summary: With everyone shaken from a recent suicide Clay Jensen returns home to find a box with 13 tapes in it. The thirteen tapes that Hannah Baker recorded before she killed herself and the thirteen reasons why she did what she did. Now if Clay listens, he will find out when and why he is on her list. What did he ever do to her?

Thirteen Reasons why is a touching book with duel naratives by Hannah and Clay. This book was a heart-touching read and has a special place in everyone's life who has read this book. It shows you that bullying and being mean and rude hurts people. Sometimes enough to make them want to die and in some occasions, take there own lives. Thank goodness I have never experienced anything like this because, it can be heart wrenching. I think that Jay Asher did a perfect job of making you see that bullying is dangerous and should be taken seriously.
   I think that this story was very sad and even brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely loved how you saw that Clay should his emotions unlike guys in almost every other book. When it came to Clay's tape you could tell he was struggling and it was hard for him to even bare to listen to her voice on the tape and when he first heard her voice, tears slipped out of my eyes.
   I loved the way that Jay Asher wrote this book, with the tape's being read by Hannah and the book in Clay's perspective. It was just incredible! I can't wait to read more of him. He has a gift that only few authors really do have and I didn't really expect this book to be as good as it is. It really surprised me, I mean it saw at the book store many times and never really picked it up until one day when someone in my class was reading it and they said it was SO good and I though, what the heck, lets give it a chance and I am super glad that I did.
      I would give Thirteen Reasons Why 5/5 stars because the plot was just so good and it made me feel so bad for Hannah even though she isn't a real character, I just felt so bad and to know that this kind of thing happens almost everyday, I think this book will help people realize that it is a problem. Anyway, I love this book and recommend everyone to read it.

Rating: 5/5 Stars
Recommended to people who like: Reality, Drama and books that make you cry

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